Slow-Mo Drum Breaks
Hip Hop Drum Breaks
- Label: Patchbanks
- Released: 10/24/2019
- Quality: Pro
- Version: Original
- Genre: Vintage • Drum Breaks
- Format: Loop
- Compositions:
- Total Files: 45
- Download Size: 140.6MB
This original hip hop drum breaks collection offers a playlist of 45 original drum recordings sourced from an archive of live studio sessions. The rhythm styles cover a range of genres from the vintage era, including soul, funk, motown, rare groove and soundtrack music to name a few. In addition, we’ve included some extra slow rhythms for a modern twist. The drum recordings were recorded at various vintage studios and mastered with hard settings through class-A analog circuitry for that big stereo panoramic sound.
Looking for audio stems? Check out the playlist demo page for more selections of drum breaks.
Track List
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